Smit, Susan – Wijze vrouwen
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Smit, Susan – De stad en de sterren
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Ravenwolf, Silver – Solitary Witch
The ultimate Book of Shadows for the new generation...
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Kelden – The crooked path
an introduction to traditional witchcraft...
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Kelley, Ruth Edna – The book of Halloween
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Mercier, Patricia – de Chakra gids
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Murphy-Hiscock, Arin – Spellcrafting
Strengthen the power of your craft by creating and casting your own unique spells....
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O’Gaea, Ashleen – Celebrating the seasons of life
Samhain to Ostara...
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Hudig, Juke – De sterren van je leven (+ansichtkaarten)
auteurs: Ria Borst, Ineke Bergman, Vera Verhagen, Paula van Kersbergen...
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