Slavenburg Jacob – H.P. Blavatsky; De theosofie en de meesters.
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Kingsland William – De ware H.P. Blavatsky
Een stuie in theosofie en een nagedachtenis aan een grote ziel....
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Blavatsky H.P. – De Geheime leer
Al ruim 100 jaar is dit boek de meest uitgebreide bron van informatie over esoterische wijsheid. In deel 1 wordt het ontstaan van het zonnestelsel besproken waarbij wordt toegelicht dat deze niet op toeval berust maar op evolutie vanuit meer etherische gebieden die in cyclussen verloopt. De oeroude gedachte...
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Anczyk Adam – Joanna Malita-Krol – Walking the Old Ways in a new world
Contemporary paganism as lived religion. This book concerns the followers of a religious and cultural movement called contemporary Paganism or Neo-Paganism, which has been gaining more and more symphatizers since the second half of the XXth century. The aim of the book is to present contemporary Paganism as a...
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Adamah, Benjamin – Nigromantisches Kunst-Buch Vol. 3
German Occult manuscripts in translation – vol. 3 An Early Grimoire of Demon Magic The Nigromantisches Kunst-Buch is one of the most substantial German grimoires on demon magic. It appears here for the first time in English translation, complete with introduction and commentary. The work, which translates as “Book of Nigromantic...
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Lamond, Frederic – The divine struggle by Robert
This is a unique work combining inspired and channelled writings with a challenging interpretation of human history as the product of the Divine Struggle. It describes the creation and evolution of the entire visible cosmos and life on Earth as the product of the dynamic interplay between two antagonistic...
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Lamond, Frederic – Religion without beliefs
“The Pagan revival is modern man’s salute to gods, myths and rituals that have been eclipsed for centuries by science, education and official state religions.” “As a lifelong practitioner of Wicca – largest of the Pagan faiths – the author presents a convincing view of the gods as independent...
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Bardon, Franz – Frabato the Magician
An occult novel...
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Bardon, Franz – Initiation into Hermetics
Initiation into Hermetics if the first and most important of Franz Bardon’s works and is rightly regarded as the cornerstone of his entire opus. In contrast to other booths on the subject of magic, Bardon focuses his attention on the practical training necessary for all true magical attainment. Using...
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Banzhaf, Hajo – Sleutelwoorden bij de tarot van A.E. Waite
De Tarot heeft zich een vaste positie verworven als gids in het bestaan: hoe langer hoe meer mensen gebruiken dit orakel om antwoord te verkrijgen op allerlei levensvraagstukken. Dat een goede interpretatie daarbij een grote rol speelt spreekt voor zich. De grote hoeveelheid beschikbare literatuur over dit onderwerp leidt...
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