Anczyk Adam – Joanna Malita-Krol – Walking the Old Ways in a new world

Contemporary paganism as lived religion.
This book concerns the followers of a religious and cultural movement called contemporary Paganism or Neo-Paganism, which has been gaining more and more symphatizers since the second half of the XXth century. The aim of the book is to present contemporary Paganism as a lived religion and to show how people engaged in re-creating or re-inventing ancient religious traditions, which were connected strongly with venerating Nature, live their lives in a technicized, modern society. It consists of eleven chapters authored by researches in the field of Pagan studies from Poland, Australia, Brazil, Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Russia. Australian Pagan festivals, Piaga Paganism of Brazil, Viking weddings, Pagan places of power in Franconia, Dutch Pagans and their relations with spirits, Pagan food in Russia, Pagan ritual fashion and funeral rites, contemporary witches’ accessories, and the reasons of becoming a male witch – are to be found amongst topics raised in this volume