Auteur: Serotia

Schellevis, Immia – Vuur

Al vanaf het begin der tijden is vuur essentieel voor de mens. Vuur speelde niet alleen een belangrijke rol in het dagelijks leven, maar ook bij ceremonies. Onze voorouders geloofden dat ieder gewijd vuur is verbonden met het grote Levensvuur, met het vuur diep in de Aarde en met...
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Wormhoudt, Linda – Beschermheer

Linda Wormhoudt 15 x 23 cm 240 pagina’s ISBN: 9789491557064 NUR: 341 Prijs: € 19,50 Uitgever: A3 boeken De roep uit Lapland kon ze niet weerstaan. Ze moest en zou erheen. De ontmoeting met de Sami Mikha vormde het begin van een magische reis vol intrigerende ontdekkingen, onverwachte gebeurtenissen...
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Crowley, Aleister – The book of the law

          The book of the law Liber al vel legis “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” This oft-misunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley’s practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in...
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Buckland, Raymond – Practical Candleburning rituals

Practical candleburning ritualsSpells, rituals for every purpose This trusted guidebook by popular author Raymond Buckland has introduced candle magick to more than 300,000 readers. From winning love to conquering fear, obtaining money to improving relationships, Practical Candleburning Rituals is filled with simple candle rites that get real results.Newly updated and re-organized,...
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Cunningham, Scott – Divination for beginners

          Divination for beginners Reading the past, present & future Anyone can practice divination. You don`t need to be psychic, or believe that a higher power controls the cards. Anyone can learn to predict the future using the methods described in this book. Learn how...
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Cunningham, Scott – Magical Aromatherapy

          Magical Aromatherapy the power of scent Magical Aromatherapy by Scott Cunningham combines the modern science of aromatherapy with the ancient science of magical perfumery. Together they make a powerful system that can improve your life and bring you what you want. Already, over 170,000 people...
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Reed, Ellen Cannon – The heart of Wicca

          The heart of wicca Wise words from a crone on the path Takes us beyond many of the currently popularized ideas and images related to the nature of Wiccan beliefs and practices. It guides us past the surface into a deeper understanding of the...
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Reed, Ellen Cannon – The witches Qabala

          The witches qabala The pagan path and the Tree of Life Because the classic writings on the Qabala have been expressed primarily in the terminology of the Western Mystery Tradition or in terms of the ceremonial magician, its usefulness as a tool for the...
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Cunningham, Scott – Book of shadows

        Book of shadows Tha path of an American Traditionalist “Wiccan readers will treasure this blast from the past as one final word from the revered teacher.”—Library Journal Llewellyn is pleased to present a new Scott Cunningham book—a long-lost Book of Shadows. Recently discovered in a...
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