Farrar, Janet & Gavin Bone – Progressive Witchcraft

Farrar, Janet & Gavin Bone – Progressive Witchcraft

ISBN 1564147193
Paperback | 288 Pagina’s | Career Press | USA Edition | 2004
Spirituality, Mysteries and Training in Modern Wicca
Progressive Witchcraft is required reading and an important contribution to the powerful, anti-dogmatic, and evolutionary leap occuring within modern Wicca and witchcraft. It is a wise inspiring, and useful guide for all those seeking the real and holy magic of union with the Divine, the true purpose of this profound spiritual path.
-Phyllis Curott-
The key to the future of witchcraft may indeed lie in its past. But as Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone point out with mucht wit and wisdom in Progressive Witchcraft, this might not be exactly the same version of ‘the past’ that you were taught!!
-The Witches’ Voice, www.witchvox.com
Janet Farrar has long been established as one of the most prominent writers ont he history and nature of modern witchcraft, and her partnership with Gavin Bone has produced a particularly dynamic and interesting literary collaboration, capable of dealing with any aspect of the subject.
-Professor Ronald Hutton, University of Bristol, author of The Triumph of the Moon and Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain
Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone have pushed the boundaries of witchcraft, challenging old dogma, and have presented a practical, workable update to craft skills. They describe not only the techniques, but the metaphysics behind witchcraft practice, demystifying the practical processes of witchcraft whilst retaining the experiential core mysteries. This book is essential reading for all, whether they have been in the craft for days or years.
-Pentacle Magazine
Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone are considered the world’s leading experts on the subject of modern witchcraft and the Neo-Pagan movement.