Auteur: Serotia

Crowther, Patricia – Covensense

In her latest book, Patricia Crowther explores some of the many questions she has been asked over almost fifty years as an initiate of the craft and a high priestess of the Great Goddess. ‘What is a witch’s ladder?’, ‘Why is the left hand associated with the devil?’, ‘Is...
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Crowley, Aleister – The practise of Enochian Magick

Enochian magick is a powerful system of ceremonial magic based on the 16th-century writings of John Dee and Edward Kelly, who claimed that their information was presented to them directly from angels. It is named after the biblical prophet Enoch and is perhaps the most powerful and elegant of...
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Crowley, Aleister – The Goetia, the lesser key of solomon the king

Provides a clear and detailed account of the preparations and precautions necessary for the successful evocation of its 72 spirits, which are described in detail. Includes Crowleys An Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic, his version of the Bornless Ritual, Enochian translations of some of the Goetic invocations, an introduction,...
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Morlan, B. – Hecatean Magick

In Hecatean Magick author B. Morlan – Generational Demonolator – shares a system of magick that ties together his familial roots of Traditional Witchcraft and Demonolatry. This book shows the Light and Dark side of this Left Hand Path tradition and allows the reader to experience the powerful transformations...
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Moura, Ann – Green Witchcraft 3; The manual

Green Witchcraft is at the core of earth magic, the Witchcraft of the Natural Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Cottage Witch.  It is herbal, attuned to nature, and the foundation upon which any Craft tradition may be built.  In this manual, hereditary Witch Ann Moura presents the Craft...
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Moura, Ann – Green Witchcraft 2; Balancing light & shadow

Are You a Natural Witch?  Green Witchcraft is at the core of earth magic, the Witchcraft of the Natural Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Cottage Witch. It is herbal, attuned to nature, and the foundation upon which any Craft tradition may be built. In this manual, Hereditary Witch...
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Moura, Ann – Green Magic; the sacred connection to nature

Learn the basics of Witchcraft from a third-generation Witch raised in a family tradition. Positive, practical, and easy to use, Green Witchcraft brings together the best of both modern Wicca and the author”s family heritage of herb craft and folk magic. Green Witchcraft explores the fundamentals of the Wiccan...
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Ellis, Peter Berresford – The Druids

Who were the Druids? The Romans viewed them as occult priests indulging in human sacrifice and forecasting the future from human entrails. Some say they were amiable sorcerers. Others portray them as the intelligentsia of ancient Celtic society. In this book, Peter Berresford Ellis sifts through the evidence, and,...
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