Auteur: Serotia

Farrar, Janet & Stewart – Spells, and how they work

Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Robert Hale Ltd (October 29, 2010) ISBN-10: 0709092164 ISBN-13: 978-0709092162 Product Description This book covers all aspects of spell-making – including psychic self-defence, sex magic, cabalistic magic, and talismans. There is a generous collection of actual spells, past and present, drawn from history, literature, folklore, old grimoires, and the...
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Farrar, Janet & Stewart – The Witches Goddess

319 pagina’s | Phoenix Publishing | juni 1987 This book is of great practical value in discovering and celebrating the transforming energy of the Feminine Principle of Divinity. Part I covers the myriad faces of the Goddess revealed, including: Her presence throughout history; Her Earth and Moon symbolism; Her Madonna...
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Farrar, Janet & Stewart – The Witches God

278 pagina’s | Atlasbooks Dist Serv | april 1989 Exploring the Masculine Principle of Divinity This companion volume to The Witches’ Goddess re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess. Part I covers the many concepts of the God examined, including: His faces throughout history; The Son/Lover God; The Vegetation...
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Streep, Peg – Sanctuaries of the Goddess

Sanctuaries of the Goddess; the sacred landscapes and objects blz. 222 1994 Bulfinch Press Long ago, before the Greeks and Romans introduced male-dominated, western-style religions and gods, the whole of Western Europe and the Near East had a culture of goddess worship which to some extent survives today in...
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Meaden, Terence – The secrets of the Avebury stones

224 pagina’s | Souvenir Press Ltd | juni 1999 Although the Avebury Circles have attracted less worldwide interest than Stonehenge, they are in fact larger, earlier and more complex. Terence Meaden provides a look at the mysterious stones and the secrets that each of them hide....
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Dugan, Ellen – Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinix, The enchantment of Mabon blz. 208 2005 Llewellyn publications Mabon, Feast of Avalon, Cornucopia, Harvest Home, Festival of the Vine . . . there are many names for this magickal holiday that celebrates the autumn equinox, the first day of fall. Ellen Dugan takes a fresh look...
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Grimassi, Raven – Beltane

Beltane; Springtime Rituals, Lore & Celebration blz. 165 2001 Llewellyn publications Hail Spring with a “Bright Fire” Celebration! Discover the roots of Beltane or “bright fire,” the ancient Pagan festival that celebrates spring, and the return of nature’s season of growth and renewal. In the only book written solely...
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Silbury, Lira – The Sacred Marriage

The Sacred Marriage, honoring the God and Goddess with each otherblz. 2641994 Llewellyn publicationsIs your relationship with your partner everything you hoped it would be? Do you see your partner as a living manifestation of the Divine – and your sexual union as a gift to and from the...
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Budapest, Zsuzsanna E. – Het magische jaar

Het magische jaar, een eeuwigdurende vrouwenkalender 300 pagina’s | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | augustus 2000 Vertaling van: The grandmother of Time In deze eeuwigdurende vrouwenkalender tovert Zsuzsanna een schat aan folklore, legenden, rituelen en persoonlijke verhalen te voorschijn. Haar gids is Anna Perenna, door de romeinen beschouwd als de grootmoeder...
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Budapest, Zsuzsanna E. – Grandmother moon

blz. 289 HarperSanFrancisco 1991 Lunar, Magic in our lives, Spells, Rituals, Goddesses, Legends & Emotions Under the Moon This spirited guide to “the grandmother of time” includes lunar lore, aspects of the goddess related to the moon, and diet and behaviour suggestions correlated with the moon’s cycles. This book...
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