Fortune, Dion – Applied magic
116 pagina’s | Samuel Weiser Inc. | november 2000 Applied Magic is a selection of Dion Fortune’s writings on the practical applications of magical and esoteric techniques. The whole of existence is not just what our five senses can comprehend. There is a whole kingdom of mind and spirit that...
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Fortune, Dion – An introduction to ritual magic
200 pagina’s | Thoth Publications | 2nd | april 1997 A this unique collaboration of two magical practitioners and teachers, presented with a valuable and up-to-date text on the practice of ritual or ceremonial magic as a practical, spiritual, and psychic discipline. In a work that has hitherto appeared only...
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Fortune, Dion – Hoop en wanhoop rond het sterven
Hoop en wanhoop, rond het stervenblz. 891983 Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes bv DeventerVertaling van: Through the gates of death ...
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Fortune, Dion – Occultisme
blz. 94 1939 Uitgeverszaak Gnosis Occultisme, praktisch toegepast in het dagelijks leven...
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Fortune, Dion – De geheimen van Dr. Taverner
blz. 195 1992 Uitgeverij Schors Vertaling van: The secrets of Dr. Taverner Death hounds, shape shifters, and vampires are among the patients treated by the Holmes-like Dr. Taverner and his assistant Dr. Rhodes in this work of supernatural fiction by acclaimed spiritualist and occult writer Dion Fortune....
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Fortune, Dion – Spiritisme in het licht der occulte wetenschap
Spiritisme in het licht der occulte wetenschap door Dion Fortune, uitgeverij Gnosis, 1e druk 1949, Gebonden boek met stofomslag, hardcover met linnen rug en goud opdruk op kaft en rug, formaat 13,5 x 20 cm., gewicht 263 gr. Vertaald uit het Engels door Henry van Noord. ...
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Fortune, Dion – Psychische zelfverdediging
Praktische aanwijzingen voor het constateren van en de verdediging tegen psychische aanvallen. blz. 313 1992 UItgeverij Schors Vertaling van: Psychic Self Defence Explores the elusive psychic element in mental illness and, more importantly, details the methods, motives, and physical apsects of psychic attack, and how to overcome this energy....
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Farrar, Janet – Seanachai: Modern Celtic Fairy Stories (DVD)
Seanachai: Modern Celtic Fairy Stories Over the last 15 years, Janet Farrar (best known for her books on Witchcraft) has gained a reputation as a storyteller among those who have seen her perform in this role at festivals and conferences in the US and Europe. After much demand, she...
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Farrar, Janet & Stewart and Gavin Bone – Discovering witchcraft Complete (DVD)
The Witches’ Voice, August 23rd, 1998 This video is inspirational, magical and very much earth based. Thank you Janet, Stewart and Gavin for this intimate look into your lives and for making us proud to call ourselves Witches. Product Description Featuring Janet and Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone, these...
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Farrar, Stewart – Witch's Dozen
blz. 164 1995 Godolphin House Once again Stewart had shown his storytelling ability in ways that will keep you enthralled. This book gives us thirteen occult stories, each with and underlying message....
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